Genealogical lookups

Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia, Austria, Sudetenland, Giants mountain and other








Directories, books and other sources which I have collected::



· Kingdom Bohemia, the “Bidschower Kreis” statistical and geographic represented from Johann Gottfried

   Sommer, Prag 1835.

   (Contains all towns and parishes in the Bidschower district (in the 1800 century) with statistical informations)


· Towns and parishes directory from the Kingdom Bohemia, Prag 1878.

   (Listed all towns and parishes in Bohemia in 1878 with district, allocate parishes and churches with number

   of inhabitants and houses from the Census in 1869.)


· Hand book from the Kingdom Bohemia 1851, Royal Bohemian society from the science, Prague (Prag) 1851.

   (Listed for example State officials, also members in several unions and contains a houseowner Index from

   Prague (Prag) from this time.)


· Schematismus from the Kingdom Bohemia 1807, Royal Bohemian society from the science, Prague (Prag), Gottlieb Haase 1807.

   (Listed officials from all States departments for example justice, military etc. from the Kingdom Bohemia from this time.)


· Schematismus Velkostatlu v Cechach, R. Lustig and Dr. Fr. Svetnicka, Praha 1933.

   Schematismus from the large real estate in the Czech republic.

  (Listed the large-landowner in the Czech republic in 1933.)


· Schematismus ucitelstva mestanskych skol v CSR 1937.

   Schematismus from the teacher in the Czech Republic in 1937..

  (Listed the teacher in Bohemia, Moravia, Slovakia and Podkarpatska Rus (Carpathian-Ukraine) in 1937.)


· Schematismus veskereho Ceskeho Ucitelstva I Ucitelska statnich Skol Narodnich v Cechach, Praze 1936.

   Schematismus from teacher in the state-schools in Bohemia, Prague 1936.

  (Listed the teachers and the managers in all schools in Bohemia in 1936.)


· Lehrerkalender und Schematismus für Oberösterreich, Lehrerhausverein für Oberösterreich, Linz 1915.

   Schematismus from the teacher and the school authority in Upper-Austria in 1915.

  (Listed the teacher and officials etc. from schools in Upper-Austria with birthyear and -place in 1915.)


· Schematismus der Schulbehörden der Volks,- Mittel- und Lehrlingsschulen, der gewerblichen und landwirtschaftlichen Schulen in Mähren 1890.

   Schematismus from schools and the school authority in Moravia in 1890.

  (Listed the teachers and the managers in all schools in Moravia in 1890.)


· Almanach (Schematismus) der k.k. österreichischen Staatsbahnen in 1910/1911.

   Schematismus from the k.k. railway in Austria-Hungary 1910/1911..

  (Listed all officials and servants from the k.k. railway, also with station index etc.)


· Status from the Officials. I. Officials from the k.k. “Statthalterei”, from the k.k. “Bezirkshauptmanschaften”

   and from the servants from the k.k. “Statthalterei”. II. Officials from the k.k. “Landschulrates” and from the

   k.k. “Bezirksschulinspektoren” in Bohemia 1904-1908. (5 books).

   (Register from the Officials in the state and school ministration in Bohemia 1904-1908. This books gives all

   names, entry as official, place of work, salary and awards etc.)    


· 28. K.u.K. Infanterie-Regiment Ritter von Benedek, 1878.

   (Name index partial extracted from officers with czech spelling names from this Regiment in 1698-1878.)


· Rangs-Liste der Stabs- und Oberoffiziere, Cadeten, Feldwebel und Stabspartheien des 34. Linien-Infanterie-Regiments von 1867

   Ranklist from the 34. lines-infantery-regiment from 1867.  

   (Name index from the officers, cadets etc. with begin from the rank, service time and decorations)


· Rangs-Liste der Stabs- und Oberofficiere, Cadeten, Feldwebel, Expropriis und Stabspartheien des 61. Linien-Infanterie-Regiments Graf Strasoldo, ca. 1855

   Ranklist from the 61. lines-infantery-regiment count Strasoldo from ca. 1855.  

   (Name index from ca. 180 officers, cadets, expropiis etc. with begin from the rank, service time and decorations)


· Rangs-Eintheilungsliste der Offiziere des activen und nichtactiven Standes des k.k. Landwehr Uhlanen Regiment No. 2 von 1902

   Ranklist from the active and not active officers from the k.k. Landwehr Uhlanen Regiment No. 2, from 1902.  

   (Name index from ca. 210 officers with birthyear and -place, begin from the rank and the operation place in 1902)


· Rangliste der k.k. Landwehr und der k.k. Gendarmerie, k.k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, Wien 1916

   Ranklist from the k.k. Landdefence and k.k. Gendarmerie, Vienna 1916.  

   (Name index from the officers and military officials in Austria-Hungary in 1916)


· Seznam zjistenych pripadu umrti ucastniku svetove valky 1914-1918, Ceskoslovensky Cerveny Kriz, Praha 1922.

   Index from Deaths in the World War I, where it was impossible to find theirs relatives, Czech Red Cross, Prague 1922. Two parts with 900 pages.


· Verlustlisten (Seznam ztrat, Lista delle perdite, Popis gubitaka, Lista strat, loss-list) des 1.WK, herausgegeben vom k.u.k Kriegsministerium, Wien 1914-1915.

   Loss-lists WWI parts No. 47-59, 71, 72, 73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 81-83, 85, 103-106, 116-127, 136-143, 153, 154, 156, 182, 247, 248, 329-334, 379, 381-383, War ministry 1914-1915.

  (Listed officers and soldiers with name, troop, homeland, birthplace and birthdate and last the place what was happen with them (death, wound or captivity etc. In this

  parts are listed ca. 120.000 officiers and soldiers from the Austria-, Bohemia-, Moravia-, Hungary-, Italy-, Russia-, and Serbia army etc.)


· General-Index (Generalni Rejstrik) Berni Rula 1654 (Taxlists) and Soupis poddanych z roku 1651 (Soullists), 2 parts A-L, M-Z, Libri, V. Cerveny and J. Cervena, Prague 2003.

   (Alphabetical register from inhabitants with names, place etc. and hints in what for parts from the separately Berni Rula books the inhabitants are listed)


· Soupis poddanych poddle viry z roku 1651, Boleslavsko kraj (district), part I, and II,

   A. Pazderova, Narodni archiv 2005.

   (Soul-list, listed inferiors in the district Boleslavsky in 1651, sorted after towns and parishes.)


· Berni Rejstriky (tax registry) 1544 and 1620, Dr. Vaclav Pesak, Nakladelstvi Ceskoslovenske akademie,

   VED, Praha 1953.

   (tax registry from the district (kraj) Hradecky, Chrudimsky, Caslavsky, Boleslavsky, Kourimsky, Bechynsky,

   Plzensky, Zetecsky, Podbrdsky, Vitavsky, Litomericky and Slansky)


· Berni Rula (tax books)  Berni Rula part No. 1, Paha 1950

   K edici Berni Ruly (Uvodni Pojednani).



· Berni Rula (tax books) Popis Cech in 1654, Berni Rula part 2, Ph. Dr. Karel Doskocil, Praha 1954

   Souhrnny index obci, osad a samot k berni rule. Two books, parts I and II, 872 pages.


· Berni Rula (tax books) Prazska mesta (Prague town) in 1653, Berni Rula part 3, Ph. Dr. Vaclav Liva, Praha

   1949. Archiv byvale zeme ceske z prostredku ministerstva  skolstvi, ved a umeni.

   (Listed inhabitants from Prague (Praha town) who has paid tax in 1653, sorted after streets.)


· Berni Rula (tax books) Caslavsky kraj (district) in 1654, Berni Rula part 10 and 11, Dr. Frantisek Benes, Praha

   1953 and 1955.

   (Listed inhabitants from this district in 1654, who has paid tax sorted after towns and parishes.)


· Berni Rula (tax books) Hradecky kraj (district) in 1654, Berni Rula parts 12 and 13, Dr. Vaclav Pesak,

   Praha, 1951 (parts I), 1954 (parts II).

   (Listed inhabitants from this district, who has paid tax sorted after towns and parishes.)


· Soupis poddanych poddle viry z roku 1651, Hradecko-Bydzovsko kraj (ditrict), part I, II, III and IV,

   L. Matousikova, Z. Kukanova, M. Zahradnikova, Statni ustredni archiv z Praze 2000.

   (Soul-list, listed inferiors in the district Hradecky and Bydzovsky in 1651, sorted after towns and parishes.)


· Berni Rula (tax books) Kourimsky kraj (district) in 1654, Berni Rula parts 18 and 19, Marie Haasova,

   Praha, 1952.

   (Listed inhabitants from this district in 1654, who has paid tax sorted after towns and parishes.)


· Berni Rula (tax books) Plzensky kraj (district) in 1654, Berni Rula parts 23, Marie Doskocilova,

   Praha, 1953.

   (Listed inhabitants from this district in 1654, who has paid tax sorted after towns and parishes.)


· Berni Rula (tax books) Plzensky kraj (district) in 1654, Berni Rula parts 24 and 25, M. Zahradnikova,

   Cadkova, Statni ustredni archive v Praze 2002, 2003.

   (Listed inhabitants from this district in 1654, who has paid tax sorted after towns and parishes.)


· Soupis poddanych poddle viry z roku 1651, Plzensky-Klatovsko kraj (district), part I and II, M. Zahradnicka,

   Statni ustredni archiv z Praze 2003.

   (Soul-list, listed inferiors in the district Plzen and Klatovy in 1651, sorted after towns and parishes.)


· Berni Rula (tax books) Podbrdsky kraj (district) in 1654, Berni Rula part 26, Dr. Emil Hradecky,

   Praha, 1952.

   (Listed inhabitants from this district, who has paid tax sorted after towns and parishes.)    


· Berni Rula (tax books) Prachensky kraj (district) in 1654, Berni Rula parts 27 and 28, Dr. Antonin Haas,

   Praha, 1954. Parts I and II, two books, 937 pages

   (Listed inhabitants from this district, who has paid tax sorted after towns and parishes.)    


· Berni Rula (tax books) Vltavsky kraj (district) in 1654, Berni Rula part 31, Dr. Eva Lisa,

   Praha, 1951.

   (Listed inhabitants from this district, who has paid tax sorted after towns and parishes.)


· Berni Rula (tax books) Zatecky kraj (district) in 1654, part 2, Berni Rula part 33, Dr. Marie Liskova,

   Praha, 1954.

   (Listed inhabitants from this district, who has paid tax sorted after towns and parishes.)


· Address book from Moravia and Silesia, book I, part II, Uplny adresar Ceskoslovenske Republiky, Slezsko,

   Silesia part from Austria, Alois Chytil, Praha-Smichov 1925.

   (City directories from all parishes in the Silesia-Moravia part from Austria. A kind of “yellow pages”.)


· Home book from the political districts Hohenelbe and the german parishes from the court districts Neupakau

   and Starkenbach, Franz Josef Jirasek, 1907-1915.

   (Home lore from the districts Hohenelbe, Neupakau and Starkenbach.)


· Home book from the Rochlitzer court district with the parishes from the court districts Starkenbach and

   Hochstadt, Vinzens Elsner, 1893.

   (Home lore from the districts Rochlitz and Starkenbach.)


· Sources to the history from the rule Starkenbach in the 17. century, Franz und Hans H. Donth, 1974.

   (Documents, certificates about the population, their production, proceeds, taxes etc. and also topographical

   records from the rule Starkenbach (Jilemnice) in Northeast Bohemia.)   


· Address book (adresar) from the political districts Vrchlaby (Hohenelbe) and Hostinne (Arnau), Hans Pfanner, 1933.

   (City directories from Vrchlaby and Hostinne.)


· Home book from the district Hohenelbe (Vrchlaby), Print brother Erben 1908.

   (With many historical district informations, for example are listed all the mostly appear family names there.)


· Address book (adresar) from Karpacz (Krummhübel), Bierutowice (Brückenberg), Ploczki (Querseiffen) and Wilcza Poreba (Wolfshau) in the Giants mountain, ca. 1930.

   (City directories from this parishes.)


· Address book (adresar) from the district Upice, Vilem Schreiber Upice 1929 (Sbornik Soudniho Okresu Upickeho, Popis, Statistika I Adresar).

   (City directories from Upice, Batnovice, Havlovice, Libnatov, Male-, Velke Svatonovice, Marsov, Odolov, Petrovice, Rtyne, Strazkovice, Suchovrsice)


· Address book (adresar) from the districts and towns Nova Paka (Neu Paka) and Horice (Horitz), Vaclav Kudrnac, 1903

   (City directories from Nova Paka, Horice, Miletin, Mlazovice, Vrestov, Pecka, Belohrad and parishes)


· Address book (adresar) from Jablonne v Podjestedi (Deutsch-Gabel), Karl Jache, Tannwald 1906.

   (City directories from the district Jablonne v Podjestedi)


· Address book (adresar) from Plzen (Pilsen), Jaroslav Schiebl, Vaclav Hruby 1931.

   (City directory from Large Plzen)


· Address book (adresar) from Eger (Cheb) and Franzensbad (Frantiskovy Lazne) and surroundings from 1943.

   (City directories from Cheb and Franzensbad and from parishes in this district.)


· Address book (adresar) from Prostejov and the political circle, Vaclav Horak 1947 (Adresar mesta Prostejova a politickeho okresu).

   (City directory from Prostejov and surroundings, sorted after names)


· Address book (adresar) from Reichenberg (Liberec) in 1863.

   (City directory from Reichenberg, sorted after town quarder and house numbers)


· Address book (adresar) from the political district Frydlant (Friedland) 1905, 1925, 1935

   (City directories from the district Friedland)


· Address book (adresar) from Nove Mesto pod Smrkem (Neustadt a. T.)  in 1923

   (City directory from this town.)


· Address calendar (adresar) from the town and district Frydlant (Friedland) in 1909 and 1910.

   (City directories from this town and the district.)


· Address book (adresar) from Kolin in 1930

   (City directory from this town.)


· Address book (adresar) from Most (Brüx) in 1932.

   (City directory from this town.)


· Address book (adresar) from Prague (Praha) in 1896 (Adresar Kralovskeho Hlavniho Mesta Prahy a Sousedni Obci).

   (City directory from Prague with Bubenec, Karlin, Smichov, Kralovske Vinohrady, Vrsovic and Zizkov)


· Address book (adresar) from Litomerice (Leitmeritz) and Pokratice (Pokratitz) before 1945, Lotte Beer-Heinrich.

   (City directories from this towns.)


· Address book (adresar) from Brno (Brünn) in 1915.

   (City directory from Brno in 1915 with Königsfeld, Hussowitz, Schimitz, Kumrowitz, Sebrowitz, Czernowitz

   and Neu-Leskau.)


· Address book (adresar) from Brno (Brünn) in 1948

   (City directories from Brno in 1948)


· Address book (adresar) from Cheb (Eger) town and environment and Frantiskovy Lazne (Franzensbad) in 1943

   (City directories from Cheb, Cheb environment and Frantiskovy Lazne in 1943.) 


· Address book (adresar) from Bilina (Bilin) in 1933

   (City directory from Bilin in 1933.) 


· Address book (adresar) from Duchcov (Dux) in 1933

   (City directory from Duchcov in 1933.)


· Address book (adresar) from the town Louny (Laun) and from 60 parishes in the Louny district in 1925, J. Suchy

   (City directory from Louny and parishes in 1925.)


· Address book (adresar) from Germans who lived in Prague (Praha) in 1951 and 1953, Robert Lerche München, 1953

   (City directory from former Germans in Prague in 1951 and 1853.)


· Address book (adresar) from Hradek (Erdberg), southeast from Znajm (Znojmo) before 1945.

   (City directory from Hradek)


· Address book (adresar) from Eckersdorf (Jakartovice), Verein für Heimatpflege e.V. Deisenhofen, 1982.

   (City directory from Jakartovice)


· Teplitz-Schönauer newspaper 1883

   (With stories, advertisements, notifications, also Births, marriages and deaths)


· Church newspaper from Türmitz, Modlan, Karbitz and other parishes, Jan 1931 – Dec 1932

   (With church news, stories and monthly news from Births, marriages and deaths)


· Notifications from the society for home research in Northbohemia, Böhmisch Leipa 1931

   (For example, lending out from the citizen-law in Leipa 1460-1467 etc.)


· Sudetendeutsche Families research, Aussig 1928-1929, first volume, book 2.

   (For example with: Latin in churchbooks, the first churchbooks from the parishes in the diocese Budweis,

   Families in Oberleutensdorf, N-Z, 1684-1784, etc.)


· Sudetendeutsche Families research, jubilee book 1976 and 1981 from the VSFF in Regensburg

   (With several ancestor lists, a register gives all names, which to appear in the book)


· Sudetendeutsche Families research, Yearbooks 1978 and 1997 from the VSFF in Regensburg

   (With several ancestor lists etc.)


· Phone books from 8 districts in Cechoslovakia from 1953-1954.

   districts 1. Prague (Prag) 2. Ceske Budejovice (Budweis) 3. Plzen (Plsen) 4. Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad) 5. Usti

   nad Labem (Aussig) 6. Liberec (Reichenberg) 7. Hradec Kralove  (Königgrätz) 8. Pardubice (Pardubitz)


· Phone book (Telefonni Seznam) from Prague (Praha) from 1944

   (telephon directory from Prague)


· Phone book (Telefonni Seznam) from Prague (Praha) from 1951

   (telephon directory from Prague)


· Phone book from Northbohemia 2000/2001

   (with districts Hradec Kralove, Broumov, Dobruska, Dvur Kralove nad Labem, Horice, Jaromer, Jicin,

   Kostelec nad Orlici, Nachod, Nova Paka, Novy Bydzov, Rychnov nad Kneznou, Trutnov, and Vrchlaby)




Other regions and sources:



· Address book from Slovakia 1943

   (A kind of yellow pages for trade, crafts, banks, insurances and companionships etc.)


· FTM CD’s

   (Birth records US/Europe 900-1880, European Origins, SSDI, World Family Tree Vol. 1-5, Family Finder

   Index and  CD 2, 115, 119, 134, 146, 156, 171, 193, 225, 239, 255, 350, 354, 449, 500



Feel free to send me your request, about records and informations from this books.  



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